by Ashley SteinerIt’s Maundy Thursday, friends! Spring is in full bloom and I am soaking in every drop of sweet Alabama sunshine in between rain (not to mention 4am storm wake-up calls). This Lent season has been the fastest whirlwind of senior year of college ending, and a new season of life post-graduation beginning. Easter comes later this year than usual – – just a few short weeks before all the graduation festivities. But I’m glad, because I am reminded through this Lent and graduation season that we are a sent people. -
by Ashley SteinerI had lunch with a friend today at a favorite local place. We talked about what it’s (really) like starting and running a company as a twenty-something year old with a passion and a dream. To be honest, it’s not easy. But every part is worth it completely. Even when comparison is loud. Even when striving feels like it’s taking over. Even when doubt creeps in. It’s worth it because it’s the vessel through which the Lord shines through with the gifts He has graciously given. It’s the way I live purposefully; to the praise of His glory. And that bring so much joy. -
by Ashley SteinerFor the first year ever, Lent has my full attention. I’ve always known it’s the season leading up to Easter, but I have never truly pressed in every day from Ash Wednesday up to Easter Sunday. Anyone else relate? Some say Lent is like Advent, but in the spring for Easter instead of Christmas. Others say it’s that time when you give up something like chocolate or Instagram…I agree, but I am learning there is so much more to this season, and the purpose goes far beyond the act of “giving something up.” -
by Ashley SteinerIn the past year, I have been to Haiti twice. Yes, both were vacations – – BUT through both times I was there, God opened my eyes to the unimaginable need in this country. I still cannot wrap my mind around how somewhere so beautiful can be suffering from such extreme poverty. Things I will never, ever fully come to understand. Since then, I have felt a pull to help children there. (Side note. If you don’t know me – – children are one of my greatest passions. I was actually planning on becoming a teacher before I felt called to follow my dream of starting a business!) -
by Ashley SteinerYippeeee! We’re celebrating half a year of Winnefred Austin this weekend – – can you believe it?! Time flies when you’re having fun, friends. Thank you for joining us on this adventure as our story unfolds a little more every day! The Lord has been faithful in showing me a lot in these early days of Winnefred Austin. Our last post talks about my word for 2019, BETHEL, and it’s amazing how much meaning and revelation can be packed into one little word.
by Ashley SteinerToday I want to share the story behind my word for this new year. I was driving to Nashville on a Sunday afternoon in mid December. Solo road trips are the best time to breathe, renew, pray, and think. It is a time I am completely alone and all I can do is focus on the road and be open to whatever God has for me in that moment. I-65 was a breeze with barely any cars, but the time was expectant. I did not know what I was looking for, but I knew somehow God had something to show me on the road.
by Ashley SteinerHappy 2019, friends! I wanted to kick off the year sharing a story with you – – something I always love to do. Grab some coffee and pull up a seat! I spent the beginning days of this new year with my family soaking up all that good tropical sun. We traded in our sweaters for swim suits (insert glowing skin here…ha!) We were ready for an adventure! Little did we know, our adventure would turn into our very own episode of the Amazing Race. Extremely delayed flights led to us missing our connecting flight. That’s right folks, we almost missed the boat…
by Ashley SteinerIn this Christmas season, I have been busy like every other human – running here and there in a holiday frenzy of joy mixed with pure craziness. Through finishing fall of senior year final exams, moving out of the dorm, working 2 Christmas markets, mailing out online orders, and everything in between, I found rest in reading Annie F. Down’s newest book, Remember God. (If you need a Christmas break read, RUN and order it!) Spoiler alert…On the very last page of the book, Annie wrote about the day of Epiphany – January 6th – when the wise men made it to Bethlehem to meet baby Jesus.
by Ashley Steiner“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 The pastor at my church unpacked this verse yesterday. It never ceases to amaze me that God sends the words our hearts need most exactly when we need it–whether we want to admit it or not.
by Ashley SteinerHey college gal – this Winnefred Writes is for you. It’s crazy to be walking into my last year of college, and lemme tell ya – it’s flying by! There have been exciting opportunities, immense joy, mysterious sickness, and fear of the unknown all wrapped up in one semester. In the midst of it all, God is ever faithful. -
by Ashley SteinerTwo of my most feared words as a business owner are lost packages. If you’re like me and thrive off of tracking packages online as they are mailed, then these words are definitely not something you’d want to hear. I find so much excitement in watching my package’s journey from point A to my doorstep. It reminds me how much goes into the smallest things just to reach me–then I’m reminded of God’s love and pursuit in the shape of a cardboard box. I’m always sending and receiving mail. It’s routine and familiar and usually easy–that is, until something goes wrong. -
by Ashley SteinerEver since I was a little girl I have been writing and sharing stories. I filled up page after page with my elementary school handwriting the very figments of my imagination. Creating stories was a way to get my thoughts on paper in and give words to the pictures I was drawing. I still write today, and yesterday I saw firsthand the beauty of sharing stories beyond our own. It sparked an idea to start telling more stories through Winnefred Austin.
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