Happy Monday, friends – – Ashley here! I have another Bethel story for you. This one is a little different than the rest, and it has made my heart almost explode with joy!!

This time last week I was at Bethel Music’s concert here in Birmingham. It was a rather expectant evening because Bethel is my word for 2019, but I never expected God’s presence to fill the space with such powerful and joy and healing.

In the past year, I have been to Haiti twice. Yes, both were vacations – – BUT through both times I was there, God opened my eyes to the unimaginable need in this country. I still cannot wrap my mind around how somewhere so beautiful can be suffering from such extreme poverty. Things I will never, ever fully come to understand. Since then, I have felt a pull to help children there. (Side note. If you don’t know me – – children are one of my greatest passions. I was actually planning on becoming a teacher before I felt called to follow my dream of starting a business!) I had prayed for God to open my heart to whatever He had for me, and until last Monday night, I had not really come to an answer. So I waited.

About halfway through the concert, some of the Bethel musicians talked about Compassion International and the incredible work they have seen happening first hand for children living in poverty worldwide. They were wholeheartedly for this organization and had placed envelopes around the room with children needing sponsorship. Many seats around the room had an envelope, but my seat did not have one. So the night of worship continued on and I did not think too much about it. A little while later, I noticed something was under my foot that definitely had not been there earlier….

It was an envelope.

I knew before I picked it up that it was for a child in Haiti. And of course, it was. Even now as I share this story with you my eyes tear up and I get all the goose bumps. I knew with every part of my heart that God had placed this child in my hands to sponsor. While all of these things were unfolding, Bethel began to sing their song “Child of God.” No joke! These moments have marked me for the rest of my life.

I wanted Winnefred Austin to have a role in this sponsorship because I believe in the power of giving and sacrificing to help others in need.

I’m sharing this story with you because I want you to be apart of it, too. As a Winnefred Austin customer, you are part of it. Yes, you get to share in the joy of giving this sweet child hope for their future! I love Compassion International because not only are they providing basic needs to these children, but they are permanently established in these communities to share God’s love every day.

As this year unfolds, God is just beginning to show me how He is working through the word Bethel in my life. I am part of a women’s business Bible study and our amazing leader calls it “sacred echoes.” I think she’s right! Do you have a word for this season you’re in? Seek one out and press into it, I so encourage you.

Thank you for continually supporting and encouraging me on this crazy wonderful journey called Winnefred Austin. My cup overflows. To learn more about Compassion International or to sponsor a child of your own, please click here.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." -Matthew 19:14

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