In this Christmas season, I have been busy like every other human – running here and there in a holiday frenzy of joy mixed with pure craziness. Through finishing fall of senior year final exams, moving out of the dorm, working 2 Christmas markets, mailing out online orders, and everything in between, I found rest in reading Annie F. Down’s newest book, Remember God. (If you need a Christmas break read, RUN and order it!)

Spoiler alert…On the very last page of the book, Annie wrote about the day of Epiphany – January 6th – when the wise men made it to Bethlehem to meet baby Jesus.

January 6th was a day of epiphany in Annie’s life too, so it made me think back to where I was on January 6, 2018. I knew I was somewhere in London, so thanks to the camera roll on my phone, I looked back to find out more.

January 6, 2018 was the day I stepped foot in Notting Hill for the first time. Some friends and I were in Shoreditch that morning and we took the Tube to Portobello Market in Notting Hill that afternoon. ALL the heart eyes for Portobello Market. Local vendors, artisans, and antiques everywhere, so ya know I was one happy artist gal.

While in Notting Hill, I fell in love with the local storefronts, quaint buildings, and old fashioned whimsy. Inspiration was everywhere. It felt like something I wanted to be a part of; a feeling of belonging. That day was my first glimpse of gold among the misty London streets.

Little did I know, January 6, 2018 was the spark of something curating in my heart: the next steps for my company. It was the starting point that led me to discovering Winnefred Austin’s story.

Boom. Epiphany.

It’s amazing to look back at the days that have unfolded since then and God’s thread weaving every piece together. It’s amazing that one day was so significant and I didn’t even know it yet.

I wonder what the wise men thought when they finally made it to Bethlehem to meet Jesus, a tiny baby. Did they fully know they were fully known by a baby sleeping in a manger? Did they know such a small beginning would change everything? It’s an epiphany that fills me with awe time after time again. It makes me pause in the busyness of this season and remember. Remember the true reason we are all here for these days in December. It’s pure, it’s simple, it’s all I need.

Epiphany. It’s the whimsy of God’s kindness showing up in places unseen – places I may not even know He is working. Even when I can’t see around the next bend in the road, He beckons me to follow. Even if I take some detours or stops along the way, I don’t walk alone. Neither did the wise men. Neither do you, friend.

Across oceans to London or across town to home, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness regardless of location or circumstance. He is able to do more than I can ask or imagine. And that’s what I want to hold onto this Christmas season.

All glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. -Ephesians 3:20

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