At its beginning, Daily Bread introduces table time prayers with the Lord's Prayer from Matthew when Jesus teaches it to His disciples. Then, it explains step-by-step how to create your own mealtime prayers. The following sections organize 48 prayerfully written mealtime prayers by theme. Reading levels are appropriate for readers of most any age with the guidance of a loved one if needed.
Gather around the table! Before it's time to eat, choose a prayer to share or make your own. What matters more than what’s on the table is what’s in the heart. Begin with His Name and end with Amen. We'll all pray together, both family and friend!
Children spark inspiration in a special way, unlike any of us big people. They remind us we are all God’s kids — created in His image for good works.
Written and illustrated by Ashley Steiner Gossett
Size: 6x6 inches
Paperback perfect bound book with coated gloss cover
48 prayers, 64 interior pages
Made in the USA
ISBN: 979-8-9898361-2-3