Today is the day I’m leaving the beach after a much needed deep breath of sunshine and salt water. Always sad to go, always grateful I came. There is true joy in every crashing wave and grain of sand hidden in this treasure of a place. God’s creation is full of wonder along the shore and out at sea.

Where are you today? How are you today? Today is the day the Lord has made. Because of Jesus, we may rejoice in Him no matter what this day brings. He is our greatest joy! In the little things and the big things, may we look for joy. May we share this joy of being known and loved by our God who joyfully delights in us! May it be so.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for today. May I look for joy in the little and big things, remembering the gift each new day brings. Be with me and my friends and family too. May we share the joy of being known and loved by You! Amen.