Have you ever plugged in your phone, only to come back half an hour later and realize it wasn’t charging? Story of my life! One time recently though, I noticed something different. My phone wasn’t just being stubborn or not plugged in all the way — it had no electricity. The charger was plugged into a power strip, and the power strip wasn’t connected to the wall outlet. See the problem? I thought it was going to charge because the plug was connected to a whole strip! But it turns out the power source wasn’t there at all. Plugged in, but completely unchanged, even more drained even, from simply sitting idly.
Then a light sparked right in front of me. What we plug into matters. Even the seemingly good things filling us —from what, where, and whom are they drawing power? Is it from the power of our Almighty God, or something else? Are we recharging our soul batteries with the Word, or the world? I don’t know about you, but 5 minutes, even 5 seconds, of watching the news does not leave me feeling energized. Plugging into life-draining things is, well, draining. I’m sure you can make your own list of those things. But you know what? With the power of the Holy Spirit inside us, we have the power to decide what we choose to fix our eyes on. What to let influence our mind and heart.
So how do we do this?
First and foremost, we plug into God directly. We talk with Him in prayer. We do a daily dig into Scripture. It might sound intimidating, but God made is super simple for us. We can read His Word one verse at a time. Challenge yourself this week — make it be the the first thing you read in the morning. Emails can wait, promise. You know what I do? There’s an app you can download on your phone called Bible. I read the verse of the day when I wake up and before I go to sleep. It helps me to bookend my days with His Word, and it stays in my mind throughout the day.
“Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in You I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul” -Psalm 143:8 ESV
Then we connect with Gospel-centered community. And it does not have to be formal! There is something soul-giving about coffee with a friend that I cannot describe. The treasure of sitting in God’s house on a Sunday morning is something I think we all were reminded over the past year is absolutely precious and vital to our faith.
“When two or three gather in my Name, there I am with them.” -Matthew 18:20 NIV
Finally, we share. We fulfill the Great Commission by going and telling — by bringing the Gospel to others. Gospel means good news — and we all need more of that every day. We let our lives be a power strip for others to plug in and find light of the Lord. But we don’t stop there. The goal is not for others to plug into our platforms, talents, or products; but to connect with faith in the Lord and be fueled to share His power with others!
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” -Matthew 28:19
By His grace, love, and power, may it be so.
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” -Ephesians 3:20