There’s one sure thing brides cannot control when planning their wedding — weather. Of course over the past pandemic year, there have been a long list of other factors out of our control, but aside from that — wedding planning makes peace (and a backup plan) for any spot of rain.
Rain is extremely unpredictable in the south, especially in the earliest moments of spring. I didn’t let myself watch any weather predictions until a month before the wedding day — and even that was a stretch because it changed every single day. It’s enough to make any bride (and mother) c-r-a-z-y! My neighbor got married over the summer and gave me her “peace of mind" umbrella for good luck. It’s a tall, pretty, clear umbrella filled with hope of keeping the bride at least mostly dry, while still looking as elegant as possible for an umbrella. Her wedding day was sunny and beautiful, so she did not need to use it! She passed it on to me with the same prayer for our wedding day.

March 6 came with blue skies the color of sea glass and absolutely no clouds anywhere. I could feel the words from Numbers 6 that day...
May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
I find these words fascinating to be placed in the Old Testament in the middle of a book with pages of rules and regulations for the Israelites to follow. These three verses stand out from the rest. Three times in a row the blessing says “The Lord.” It makes me wonder if these verses are giving a nod to the Trinity — Father, Son, Spirit — before Jesus came. Moses gave this blessing from the Lord to Aaron and his sons to then bless the Israelites long before future generations would receive gift of Jesus. Though they did not yet know Him, I believe Jesus’ presence was part of the triune blessing. I see a common thread in this blessing to the blessing of marriage. Even as we know Jesus today, the blessings we receive in marriage are only a glimpse of the future eternal blessings of Christ’s union to us — the church, His bride.
Whether the umbrella is actually lucky or not, we’ll see as we pass it on to a next bride to come. The good news for all of us brides and wedding planners is this: These words bless any wedding day with light, grace, and peace no matter the weather. We’re forever grateful for the Lord’s gift of sunshine on March 6 — and our lucky umbrella. But even if there had been a downpour, His face still would have shone on us with the blessing of marriage. Take heart dear bride and get yourself a peace of mind umbrella. In any weather — rain or shine — your wedding day will always, always bring showers of blessings! (Ezekiel 34:26)
May the light, grace, and peace of the Lord be with you today. May it be so.
Wedding photo by my talented friend, Meghan Gray.