I have always been an early morning gal – I love mornings & the new possibility each day brings. My day starts with scripture & coffee, & this morning I thought to myself…what if I could share that time with a friend like you, too?

So here’s my first Morning Glory: a few verses, some words, & a prayer from times passed to remind us that God is the same through every generation. Every morning we can rise & shine & give God the glory because He makes us new each day.

Pour yourself some coffee (or stay in bed if you’re not an early bird like me). Let’s share some morning glory!

This is what the Lord requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, & to walk humbly with your God. -Micah 6:8

Let us acknowledge the Lord, let us press on to acknowledge Him. As sure as the sun rises, He will appear. He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. -Hosea 6:3

To proclaim the Lord in everything is everything. It is the calling that paves the way for passion & purpose together – a calling He creates in us that we can live into everyday. Oh that we would press on to acknowledge & walk humbly with Him! Even when the horizon is hazy, the GPS reroutes, the next turn is a hidden drive – He does not ask us to have it all figured out. Instead, we trust our Navigator. We fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer & perfecter of faith. Even when we feel like we’re traveling in the dark, we press on. We look to the stars in the heavens & the Son for light. As surely as the sunrise, He comes. He comes to us like rain – satisfying needs & watering souls. We are not required to know every step. All He asks is for us to do what is right, be merciful, & walk humbly. Seeking these things praises God as we press on. Each step we take brings us closer to Him. Through every detour, pot hole, traffic jam, jam session, wide open road – He is there with us, leading us under the starry skies towards the sunrise in the distance. He is our compass leading us home.

A prayer from Alice C.D. Riley (1867-1955)

Thank thee Father, for this day,

For these hours of work & play,

For the shining sun above,

For thy great & tender love.

Help us know thy will to do,

Make us loving, kind, & true.

Through the day & through the night,

lead us by thy holy light.


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