"Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others - the armies of heaven - praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased." -Luke 2:13-14
What was the response to the angel's news of Jesus' birth? JOY! Shouts of praise glorying God came straight from heaven. What a beautiful sight and sound to be held in that moment. Heaven couldn't keep quiet; the joy overflowed! Glory to God, and peace to His children. Even so today. May we hold this heavenly moment ever close as we celebrate Jesus, our Prince of Peace. He holds our every tomorrow, so we don’t have to fear. We can praise Him right along with the angels because He is near!
Let's pray together.
You are my cause for joy. All glory and honor belongs to You. When I read these words from Luke, I am reminded of the awe and wonder this moment brings even today. You were born! This good news brought abundant joy and hope, and by Your grace it still does. Joy and hope are not lost, but they are entirely found in You. Thank you for coming to be with us. Thank You for holding today and every tomorrow.
In Your Name, Amen.
Blessing for little ones
Dear Jesus, angels from heaven came to celebrate You; a joyful noise and a glorious tune! Keep my heart's song fixed on Your love, a blessed gift sent from above. Amen.