Merry Christmas Eve morning! I don't know what this day feels like in your corner, but we are bundled up silly here, riding out the coldest temperatures I think I've ever felt at Christmas. The last few days leading up to Christmas always feel full - full of so many fun things and to-do's that tie everything up with a bow.

This week has been different for me. The frigid negative temperatures and thin (but gnarly) layer of ice outside took everything down a level - back to perhaps what truly matters - taking in the little things this season brings and holding fast to why we celebrate. All the while, thinking of those who don't have warm homes and food in the pantry. There's something about a sudden drastic change in temperature (topped with a power outage) that reawakens awareness and sparks gratitude. 

How cold was it on that Holy Night in a drafty stable? We don't have any details about a baby parka or boots, let alone a central heating system. I don't imagine the surroundings felt tropical. And yet, on this dark, chilly night, light shone and warmed the weary world. The Gift far greater than we could ever give was born!

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. James 1:17

I don't want to get so caught up in all the things that I miss the fullness of the true Gift. Jesus came to us, a baby born in least expected circumstances, so we could always be with our God. This howling Tennessee winter wind all but echos the joys of those who first met Jesus manger-side. Here on this chilly morning and on this Christmas Eve night, we too have so much to make a joyful noise about in Him!

Let's pray together.

Jesus, You are my good and perfect Gift from above. Sent by God, You came to save me. On this Christmas Eve, I am so very grateful. Let all the verses and promises from Your Word that I read during this Advent season remain in my heart in this new year. In Your Name, Amen.

Blessing for little ones

Jesus, You are my gift given by God from above. He sent You to live out His great love! Work in my heart to tell about You in this new year to come, for in You alone my joy and peace come from! Amen.

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