That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. Luke 2:8-9

Oh to be a shepherd in the field that night! Forget being a fly on the wall. What would it have been like to be living there in real time, working the night shift in a moon-chilled field filled with wooly, baaa-y, sheep? Shepherds' top priority was protecting the sheep from any kind of danger. Imagine their surprise when an angel appeared, and the Lord's radiance lit up the darkness surrounding them! While the rest of the village slept, the angel came to the shepherds; not a wealthy citizen or a decorated ruler. Hard-working and humble, these brave souls worked for the good of their sheep. And yet, it feels fully fitting the angel would tell them the good news of great joy first. After all, the Lamb of God, was born! 

Let's pray together.

Dear Jesus, You are the perfect lamb, born a living sacrifice for me. Thank You for this gift too great for words. As Christmas day draws nearer, continually keep my eyes and heart fixed on You. May my joy and my peace be made complete in this Truth: You came, and You are coming again! Amen.

Blessing for little ones

Jesus, the angels shared news of You coming with the shepherds first that night. God's glory shone out extra bright! Thank You for the gift of Your life and love, coming down to bless us from heaven above. Amen.

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