The angel said, "Joseph, descendant of David, don't be afraid to take Mary as your wife. The baby in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son. You will name the son Jesus. Give Him that name because He will save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:20-21 ICB

Don't be afraid. Just as the angel reassured Mary, Joseph needed the same. He was looking for a quiet exit plan, but the Lord had a bigger plan for his family. In humility and surrender - despite social consequences and gossip just waiting around the corner - Joseph married Mary anyway. His trust in the Lord outweighed his fear of what others thought of their story from the outside.
And there's something important for us to trace into the stories of our lives here and now. Chances are, we only see the cover or the first page. There is always more to someone else's story beyond what we might see at first glance. Would we read through a grace lens, just as we'd hope someone would for us!
The heart of Mary's story is Jesus - her son would soon come to save His people from their sins! God was bringing the long awaited Messiah to the world through her. And Joseph too was part of this story as Jesus' earthly father, pointing to the steadfast love and stay of our Heavenly Father.
In their story, we have much cause for joy - the King is coming!
Let's pray together.
Dear Lord, thank You for reminding me again and again "do not fear." Help me to remember You are always writing stories with grace colored ink, and there's more than I can see at the surface. I pray for trust, peace, and joy as You write mine. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Blessing for little ones
Dear Jesus, because of You I don't have to be afraid. You are with me in sunshine and shade! Let all I do live to honor You, and help me to share with others too! Amen.