I’d love to share a little about the labor of LOVE I have journeyed called BRANDING for Winnefred Austin.

Sounds pretty easy, right? Just make a cute logo and draw some new pictures…right?! I could not have been more wrong, and praise Jesus for this growth spurring season.

Starting in early 2018, the idea for changing my first company's name, Ashley Ink & Paperie, began. I traveled to London and fell in love with the city’s quaint style. (I’m looking at YOU, Notting Hill and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea!)

After some ancestry research and inspiration from my 13 generations ago grandmother, the “let’s change the name of the company” epiphany began. Winnefred Austin was from London but moved to America, ultimately bringing me here today for such a time as this. How cool is that?! I knew I wanted her namesake to become the next generation of my company. Since then, I have been navigating the exciting waters of re-branding. Finally, after months and months of creating, planning, and waiting, I’m giddy to finally share this new venture with you.

It’s important to note that the waters were definitely not always smooth sailing. I’d be totally faking you out if I said everything was “jolly good” the entire way. The Lord has been so faithful in teaching me a lot about myself and how to operate a business that’s both glorifying to God and redemptive to my customers.

I’m excited to share 7 things I have learned through this season of re-branding. 

  1. Patience is a sacred pace – I heard someone say this at an event I attended this summer and it has stuck with me ever since then. Things in business take (way) longer than expected, and that’s okay. Really, it’s okay. I have to remind myself daily, and it’s not always easy.
  2. Sometimes you have to kick the door down – I believe we are called to action. I’ve found some of my greatest strength and empowerment simply from the word “GO” when I feel called. (Thanks to Bob Goff for the door-kicking wisdom)
  3. Sabbath is not only a command but a gift – Living in rhythms of work and rest refills the soul and revives productivity.
  4. Community is everything – balance work and life with spending time with your people!
  5. Comparison is the thief of joy – Theodore Roosevelt knows.
  6. Co-create with God – Dig deep into Scripture and the embrace that He created me to create in His image!
  7. Delight in small beginnings – Live and grow one step at a time. Read #1 again.

If you are on the journey of creating a brand, I hope you find these words encouraging. Branding is just the beginning of your business adventure. It is not the climax or the resolution, so don't get caught up in the spider web of every single detail yet to be told. We all have a story and branding helps build a platform to share it with others. It's just that simple. Now go and tell your story!

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