Happy December, friend. Thanksgiving feels like it was yesterday, and it practically was! As I'm unpacking my suitcase from a turkey-filled weekend spent with family, I'm excited to pause for a moment, take a breath, and begin a new Advent series: Joyful Heart Blessings. Each day, you'll find a Bible verse with a quick thought or two, along with a blessing. It's my hope to challenge myself and encourage others to clear a space every day this season to gaze at the truest joy and reason we celebrate: Jesus! Grab some hot chocolate and let's begin.

A joyful heart brightens one’s face -Proverbs 15:13a CEB

As we pull open the ribbons of the neatly tied bow wrapping December in all the fun and special Christmas celebrations, I hope you’ll find joy inside. This season stirs many feelings, almost as numerous as the types of cookies at a cookie exchange. Excitement, busyness, fun, anticipation, stress, nostalgia, peace, longing, and the list continues. If there’s one thing I want to keep close at heart all season it’s this: joy is not tied to circumstance because joy found in Jesus is eternal. It’s ours today, no matter what realities surround us. When Jesus is our true, heart-centered joy, we can’t help but feel that joy from the inside out. It doesn’t mean we won’t face hard things because we have, we do, and we will. But it does mean we can still grasp a steadfast joy deepened by Jesus’ great love for us through all circumstances. When a joyful heart looks to the Son for light, the radiance of His own joy poured out on us illuminates our faces and shines out for all to see. Let's share this joy from Jesus together!

Let's pray together.

Dear Lord,

With a joyful and grateful heart, I give every care, celebration, and moment to you. This season brings many feelings to the table, within my own heart and others around me. Thank you, Jesus, for being my steadfast joy no matter the circumstances. As I walk through Advent, would I, like the shepherds, stop whatever I'm doing and come to you with open hands. Open my eyes to truly behold Christmas' manger-wrapped gift. I pray for peace and presence as I seek you beyond all the season's noise, lovely as it may be. May your joy become mine, so I will share it with others.


Blessing for little ones 

Dear Jesus, You are my hope and joy! You love every girl and boy. I hold you in my heart this Christmastime, and pray your joy will forever be mine. Amen.

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